Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Problem #3

Yay! Last and final problem! Who would have thought that we would be at the end so quick? It seems like this semester flew by. Problem #3 is basically where you look at your fellow classmates blogs and comment on them. I have already commented on a couple. It is really interesting to see what everyone has blogged about and what they have incorporated in their blogs. Also, it is fun to see what pictures they used, if any. All in all from the ones that I have seen so far these blogs are looking pretty good. I've noticed that some people didn't get a chance to blog every week, I must say i am guilty of that too, especially since I have been so busy. I think this was an okay first semester of freshman year. I had no clue what college was going to be like. I knew it was going to be a lot of work, but I wasn't quite sure how much.

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