Wednesday, December 12, 2012


In class today we talked about mobility. How much we rely on our mobile devices. After talking about how much we use mobile devices, I started thinking how much I use them and what I use them for. I use my smart phone a lot especially to check email and what the weather is like. Mobile devices are very useful. I wonder though that since we have technology readily at our fingertips, if it is a bad thing? Will people rely on it too much? Will people get addicted to it and not use personal contact anymore? I must admit it is nice to look up an answer whenever you have a question. You learn more that way and you are more likely to look up the answer because it is quick and easy to use where as in old times you had to go to the library and look up the answer and you might have gone through several books before finally getting the answer that you were looking for. Face it no one wants to do that, some would say the effort isn't worth it.

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