Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Problem #3

Yay! Last and final problem! Who would have thought that we would be at the end so quick? It seems like this semester flew by. Problem #3 is basically where you look at your fellow classmates blogs and comment on them. I have already commented on a couple. It is really interesting to see what everyone has blogged about and what they have incorporated in their blogs. Also, it is fun to see what pictures they used, if any. All in all from the ones that I have seen so far these blogs are looking pretty good. I've noticed that some people didn't get a chance to blog every week, I must say i am guilty of that too, especially since I have been so busy. I think this was an okay first semester of freshman year. I had no clue what college was going to be like. I knew it was going to be a lot of work, but I wasn't quite sure how much.


In class today we talked about mobility. How much we rely on our mobile devices. After talking about how much we use mobile devices, I started thinking how much I use them and what I use them for. I use my smart phone a lot especially to check email and what the weather is like. Mobile devices are very useful. I wonder though that since we have technology readily at our fingertips, if it is a bad thing? Will people rely on it too much? Will people get addicted to it and not use personal contact anymore? I must admit it is nice to look up an answer whenever you have a question. You learn more that way and you are more likely to look up the answer because it is quick and easy to use where as in old times you had to go to the library and look up the answer and you might have gone through several books before finally getting the answer that you were looking for. Face it no one wants to do that, some would say the effort isn't worth it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Problem #2

Our class was asked to find a way to post a bunch of annotated citations in a place for viewing where everyone can post their own citations.  we used the wiki to post them, that way everyone can post their citations there and it is readable to the public too.

Posting to a wiki was a good choice, however I would have liked to use Google docs possible, or even a blog type thing, but Google docs is slow, and a public blog would be hard to do.  So all in all the wiki was probably the best idea.

The class choose to do the annotated bibliography on mammals, which opens up a wide variety of animal choices to do research on.  I did mine on felines.  The site I found was The Nature Conservancy.  I thought it was a good source, because they take lots of donations and they know a lot about animals.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tools our Class would like to know
Google Wallet
Adobe (Photoshop and Illustrator)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Collaboration, Cooperation, Critical Thinking

Working in a group can be tricky. When the group figures out everyone's strengths and weaknesses, it can be easier to preform the work and finish the assignment. Splitting the work evenly according to those strengths and weaknesses can also be tricky. I would suggest figuring the work out for the pickiest person in the group first, then work from there. The group should be in contact with each other to work together more, that way no one is doing all the work and everyone is on the same page. Emailing is good, texting too, but also creating a document, such as Google docs in Google to help with the project or assignment. Motivating the group is not only the leaders job, but also the whole groups job. There is a difference between just getting the project done and putting out a whole bunch of junk, versus actually working together and learning something at the same time. Spend the time to make it good. The grade will show that it is worth it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Google Tools


Google has several different tools that can be very helpful. Here is a link to the many different Google tools.

- You can communicate with others

Google Chrome
- A different web browser

- An email site where you can create an email account

Google Docs
- You can use this to share a paper between people

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Project # 1

College Freshman Moving Out

I believe that our group project did well. It was short, sweet and cute. It wasn't too hard to do, the research wasn't so fun, but everything went together once that part was done.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


  • Can add video and sound
  • On computer
  • Printer friendly
  • Lets you narrate 
  • Free
  • Can have multiple people to edit it
  • In the cloud
  • You decide the movement of it
  • Saves as you go
  • Have to buy
  • User friendly
Presentation Tips:
  • Be confident
  • Use low chroma colors
  • Don't read off the slide
  • Practice
  • Record yourself
  • Readable font
  • Get the point across

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Social Learning

1. Facebook
- You can make a page to share with your group
- You can privately message someone
- You may get distracted easily
*I would not recommend this one to use for group projects, you can get easily distracted and it isn't meant for that type of communication.

2. Twitter
- You can create a twitter and throw ideas around
- You can't post articles or videos (unless you know how)
- Your way of communication is through mini blogging
*I would also not recommend this for a group project, it isn't easy to post articles and big items, its like texting.

3. LinkedIn
- More of a business profile site
- People from all over can view the project
*I would use this site for more of a research purpose than a group thing.

4. Goodle +
- Can create a shared document that everyone can write on
- Can have conversations with up to 8 people in skype
*This is probable the best tool to use for a group project because you can create a page and you can also skype people and have a conversation with them as you are working.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Cloud, Web 2.0, Blog, Wiki

Blog: Type of website where readers can leave comments. They are usually updated often, more than a website.

Wiki: Same as a blog, but there is more than one author talking about the same material.

Cloud: Software that is/or can be accessed through the internet.

Web 2.0: People take in information, as well as contribute information. Examples are, Blogs, Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook.